Monday, February 28, 2011

Ultra High End PC configuration - Rs 1 Lakh–Sep 2011

Note : This is a old post, Please check the latest config here
Intel and Nvidia Combination : (Sandy Bridge)
Type Details Price (Rs)
Processor Intel Core i7-2600 3.4 GHz 15,300
Motherboard ASUS Sabertooth P67 13,700
Memory 2 x CORSAIR Vengeance 4GB 1600MHz RAM 4000
Hard Disk Seagate 2 TB 4000
Keyboard Microsoft Comfort Curve 2000 1000
Mouse Logitech MX 518 1000
Speakers Logitech Z-5500 15,000
Sound Card Asus Xonar DX 7.1 Channel 4,500
Optical Drive Samsung DVD Writer 900
Graphics Card 2 x MSi GTX 560Ti 1GB in SLI 24,000
Power Supply Cooler Master GX-750W 6600
UPS Numeric 1000 VA 4000
Monitor BenQ G2420HD 24’’ Widescreen 11,000
Cabinet Cooler Master HAF922 6500
Total   Rs 1,11,500

To Reduce the Cost:
  • Use 1TB hard drive.
  • Drop Sound Card
  • Use a cheaper mouse, keyboard and Speakers.

    Prices are as of Sep 2011 in Chennai, India.
    Other PC and Laptop configuration :
    14-Feb – Prices as of Feb 2011
    14-Apr – Prices updated (Rs.950 Reduced)
    25-Jun – Prices Updated
    25-Sep – Prices Updated
    1) Motherboard updated from Gigabyte GA-P67A-UD5
    2) RAM updated from 4GB to 8GB Vengence
    3) Cabinet updated from Cooler Master Chassis Scout
    4) Keyboard updated from Logitech KB-200
    5) Mouse updated from G1
    6) Graphics card updated from GTX 460 SLI
    7) Power Supply updated from Corsair 750w
  • Monday, February 14, 2011

    Best PC for around Rs.50,000–Gaming PC– 2011 (Deprecated)

    Note : This is a old post, Please check the latest config here

    Intel and Nvidia Combination : (Sandy Bridge)
    Type Details Price (Rs)
    Processor Intel Core i5 – 2500 - 3.3 GHz 10,450
    Motherboard Asus P8H67-M with USB 3.0 6850
    Memory Corsair 4 GB DDR3 1333 MHz 1350
    Hard Disk Seagate 1 TB 2750
    Keyboard & Mouse Logitech Multimedia Keyboard + Mouse SET 675
    Speakers Creative Inspire 5.1 T6100 3550
    Optical Drive Samsung DVD Writer 950
    Graphics Card Palit or Zotac GTX 560 Ti 1GB
    (Don’t buy the edition without Ti suffix)
    Power Supply Cooler Master GX 550W 4,100
    UPS Numeric/APC 600 VA 1500
    Monitor Dell ST2220M – 21.5 inch LED 7,900
    Cabinet Cooler Master Elite 430 2500
    Total   Rs. 55,575

    Prices are as of May-June 2011 in Chennai, India.

    Other options (or) Suggestions to reduce price:
    Type Details Price (Rs)
    Power Supply Cooler Master Extreme Power Plus 600W 3500
    Monitor Samsung B2230 21.5’’ LCD 7650
    Cabinet Zebronics Butterfly 1250
    Graphics Card MSi GTX 460 1GB 9,800
    Other PC and Laptop configurations :
    14-Feb – Prices as of Feb 2011
    14-Apr – Prices updated (Rs.750 Reduced)

    28-May – Price and the below things updated
    1) Processor modified from 2500K to 2500 (As many people won’t Overclock)
    2) Motherboard updated from ASUS P8H67-MLX (As it doesn’t have USB3)
    3) RAM updated from Transcend 4 GB DDR3 RAM
    4) Power Supply modified from Zebronics 600 Watts Platinum
    5) Cabinet updated from Zebronics Butterfly
    Price increased by -
    23-July-2011 – Prices updated and few changes
    18-Sep-2011 – Prices updated and the below changes
    1) Motherboard updated from Asus P8H67-M-LE to Asus P8H67-M
    2) Monitor updated from Samsung B2030N – 20 inch LCD
    3) Power supply updated from Cooler Master Extreme Power Plus 600W

    Sunday, February 13, 2011

    Best PC configurations

    Assembled Desktops :


    Branded PC (Old not updated) :

    Laptops (Old not updated):

    I will update this regularly, please visit this page for updates

    Best PC for around Rs.35,000–Sep 2011

    Note : This is a old post, Please check the latest config here
    Intel and Nvidia Combination (Sandy Bridge) :
    Type Details Price (Rs)
    Processor Intel Core i3 – 2100 3.1 GHz 5800
    Motherboard Intel DH67VR USB3 4100
    Memory Corsair 4 GB DDR3 1333 MHz 1300
    Hard Disk Seagate 1 TB 2800
    Keyboard & Mouse Logitech Multimedia Keyboard + Mouse SET 650
    Speakers Creative Inspire 2.1 T3130 1800
    Optical Drive Samsung DVD Writer 925
    Graphics Card Galaxy GTS450 1GB DDR3 6600
    Power Supply Coolermaster GX 450W 3400
    UPS Numeric 600 VA 1500
    Monitor Acer S226HQ 21.5" 6350
    Cabinet Zebronics Butterfly 1250
    Total Rs. 36,475
    Note : Prices are as of Sep 2011 in Chennai, India.

    Other options (or) Suggestions to reduce price:

    Type Details Price (Rs)
    Graphics Card Galaxy GT 430 1GB DDR3 3500
    Power Supply Zebronics 500W 1850
    Monitor DELL LCD 18.5" - IN 1920 4950
    Other PC and Laptop configurations :
    14-Feb-2011 – Prices as of Feb 2011
    14-Apr-2011 – Prices updated (Rs.900 Reduced)
    28-May-2011 – Prices updated and below components updated
    1) Updated with Intel i3, 2nd generation processor
    2) Monitor modified from DELL LED 20" – IN2020M
    3) RAM increase to 4GB

    23-July-2011 – Prices updated and few changes
    25-Sep-2011 – Prices updated
    1)Graphics card updated from GT 430
    2) Monitor updated from DELL LCD 18.5"
    3) Power supply updated from Zebronic 500w

    Sunday, February 6, 2011

    Unix command to find and kill processes

    Windows have a good UI task manager to find and kill processes. But you need to do that in unix only using commands.

    By default top command displays the processes in the order of CPU usage. When the top command is running, press M (Shift + m) to display processes sorted by memory usage.

    To search for a process :
    ps -eafww | grep "java"

    Section of command Explanation
    ps Used to find the process status.
    e List information about every process now running
    a List information about all processes most frequently requested: all those except process group leaders and processes not associated with a terminal
    f Generate a full listing (detailed info)
    ww If the info goes more than one line, display every thing.
    | pipe command
    grep java used to search all java processes

    To Kill the process : 
    kill –9 pid

    Section of command Explanation
    kill used to kill a process
    -9 force kill
    pid you can get the process id using any one of the above two commands
    Hope this help…