By default top command displays the processes in the order of CPU usage. When the top command is running, press M (Shift + m) to display processes sorted by memory usage.
To search for a process :
ps -eafww | grep "java"
Section of command | Explanation |
ps | Used to find the process status. |
e | List information about every process now running |
a | List information about all processes most frequently requested: all those except process group leaders and processes not associated with a terminal |
f | Generate a full listing (detailed info) |
ww | If the info goes more than one line, display every thing. |
| | pipe command |
grep java | used to search all java processes |
To Kill the process :
kill –9 pid
Section of command | Explanation |
kill | used to kill a process |
-9 | force kill |
pid | you can get the process id using any one of the above two commands |
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